the white company

A wonderful project for a brand we have always admired, the white company. Just saying the name alone transports you straight to one of their minimal stores with instantly recognisable fragrances floating through the air.

I’m sure most of you will know of The White Company but for those of you that don’t, the company was founded over 25 years ago with a belief in making the most of life’s simple pleasures. Renowned for their timeless style and quality over quantity attitude, we couldn’t have been happier when they contacted us regarding an upcoming shoot.

We were asked to create some bespoke prop pieces for use in their product photography. Working with a variety of embosses and a light glaze palette, we created a collection of trays, dishes, pinch bowls, tiles, and coasters in a mix of sizes. We can’t wait to see how the pieces were used, and we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled to see if this set of mini backdrops is used in future White Company photography.

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